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Friday 1 June 2012

I just started a Blog and zombies

Hiya, I have just now created this Blog to vent my opinions on certain issues associated with the News, Sports and Gaming. 

The first thing I would like to talk about is the reports of zombie like behavior in America. This was mind blowing to me when I first saw this reported on the Youtube news channel 'Source Fed' in which the hosts reported that a man had eaten the face off of a homeless man. When I later researched the story I found out that the 'zombie' as we will call him, had ingested Bath Salts. I am still unsure as to whether this is a street name for a type of drug or whether they are referring to actual bath salts. Then I found out that they're were more reports of zombie like behavior in Maryland and New Jersey( the first attack took place in Miami.). Although this may seem concerning to some people I believe that these other stories are now coming to light because of people looking for other attacks due to the popularity of the first reported insistent.


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