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Monday 4 June 2012

E3 Microsoft Press Conference

I have just finished watching Microsoft's Press Conference at E3. Personally I am hugely disappointing with the conference. I was hoping for the announcement of a new console and interesting new games however the only things that I was interested in were Halo 4, South Park and the new Splinter Cell game which looked interesting with its fluid combat. The things that were announced were all to do with Kinect which I personally don't care for, mainly because it doesn't work. The conference was based around new tech that connected your TV to your phone to your tablet etc. I think that this tech is obsolete. If I'm playing a game I don't want the fluidity of the game interrupted by having to look at my phone for information that isn't even necessary. Really the only thing that this may be useful for is if you were on a trip and you were watching a movie then you can now finish of the movie on your TV at home, but unless you have a job that means you need to travel a lot then you probably don't care about this.

Also sorry to all those Resident Evil fans out there but I'm not interested in Resident Evil 6.


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