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Monday 4 June 2012

E3 Microsoft Press Conference

I have just finished watching Microsoft's Press Conference at E3. Personally I am hugely disappointing with the conference. I was hoping for the announcement of a new console and interesting new games however the only things that I was interested in were Halo 4, South Park and the new Splinter Cell game which looked interesting with its fluid combat. The things that were announced were all to do with Kinect which I personally don't care for, mainly because it doesn't work. The conference was based around new tech that connected your TV to your phone to your tablet etc. I think that this tech is obsolete. If I'm playing a game I don't want the fluidity of the game interrupted by having to look at my phone for information that isn't even necessary. Really the only thing that this may be useful for is if you were on a trip and you were watching a movie then you can now finish of the movie on your TV at home, but unless you have a job that means you need to travel a lot then you probably don't care about this.

Also sorry to all those Resident Evil fans out there but I'm not interested in Resident Evil 6.


Saturday 2 June 2012

Prometheus Review

So Today i went to see Prometheus at the cinema. Overall I thought the movie was o.k but i am disappointed with that because I was expecting it to be very good. My gripes with it are that the storyline wasn't explained in detail enough to me. There were conclusions reached after very few evidence for that conclusion was shown which makes the story feel pushed and somewhat unbelievable. I also thought that the main character was very whiny and weak to the point that by the end I didn't care whether she lived or died. However some positive notes are that the atmosphere was set up very well with very nice landscape shots and good music choices. Also Michael Fassbender was very good as was the guy who played the captains role.

Overall I give this film 5/10 stars.


CoD BO2, Should I buy it?

I've been thinking about buying the upcoming Call of Duty game, Call of Duty Black Ops 2. I have bought every Call of Duty game since Big Red One on the PS2 but I have been finding myself less impressed by the multiplayer components of the more recent CoD games (MW3 and BO1). I thought MW3 would be the last one I would get however BO2 is looking very good. It seems that Treyarch are innovating in all the Campaign, Multiplayer and Zombies sections of the games. My interest has been piqued by this so I will pay close attention to the announced features of the game. In the campaign they seem to be integrating a system where if you die then the character dies and you continue on in the story without him rather than the previous games linear style where you would reload at a checkpoint and try the mission over and over again until you reached the end. Then Treyarch say that there will be 8 player zombies and different modes of zombies which may see team vs team game modes which will be interesting.

This weekend the tech conference E3 is on in Los Angeles so I hope more details on Black Ops 2 will be announced at some point in the next few days. :)


Friday 1 June 2012

Humble Bundle 5 is awesome!!!

Thought id say how much I love the Humble Bundle 5. It contains Amnesia, Psychonaughts, Limbo and Superbrothers as the first 4 games. Then if you pay over the average they through in bastion. I payed 7 US$ for the bundle which included bastion. So far i have only played the one game,Bastion, but it is absolutely incredible. The narrative is extremely unique in today's games and the art direction is unusual which makes it interesting to look at. Then there's the story which had me captivated throughout to the extent that I just could not put the game down. Lastly i have to mention the soundtrack which is brilliant. I even downloaded it to iTunes because I loved it that much. I am looking forward to playing the other games as amnesia is supposedly the most scary game on the market at the moment and Limbo is apparently unique and interesting (much like Bastion :) ). This bundle is a complete bargain and I urge people to pay a descent amount towards the bundle not just because of the great selection of games but also to reward the developers and the staff who put this bundle together and to give money to charity.


Star Wars 1313 Announced

Today the game Star Wars 1313 was officially announced :). The game will star an assassin, not bounty hunter Boba Fett as previously suspected. the teaser looks really high quality and i will be keeping an eye on this game along with the other upcoming stealth action games Hitman: Absolution and Assassins Creed 3, both of which are looking to be absolutely fantastic. All I've seen are trailers and brief snippets of gameplay for these games and so I can't form a complete opinion on how these games will play yet, but i can say that i am looking forward  to playing them. Hopefully after making this game LucasArts will get around to finishing Battlefront 3 as I enjoyed Battlefront 2 thoroughly.


I just started a Blog and zombies

Hiya, I have just now created this Blog to vent my opinions on certain issues associated with the News, Sports and Gaming. 

The first thing I would like to talk about is the reports of zombie like behavior in America. This was mind blowing to me when I first saw this reported on the Youtube news channel 'Source Fed' in which the hosts reported that a man had eaten the face off of a homeless man. When I later researched the story I found out that the 'zombie' as we will call him, had ingested Bath Salts. I am still unsure as to whether this is a street name for a type of drug or whether they are referring to actual bath salts. Then I found out that they're were more reports of zombie like behavior in Maryland and New Jersey( the first attack took place in Miami.). Although this may seem concerning to some people I believe that these other stories are now coming to light because of people looking for other attacks due to the popularity of the first reported insistent.
